When a family member is diagnosed with cancer, it’s a deeply worrying time. There are concerns for their physical health, their prognosis and their treatment, as well as their mental wellbeing. For many families  uncertainty around how they are going to cope financially is a very big worry.

Very often, a cancer diagnosis means that at least one family member is unable to work, either because their physical health has been affected by cancer, or because they are caring for a loved one.

 At the same time, the family has new living costs to consider, whether it’s travelling to appointments or purchasing equipment to ensure the family home remains a safe and functional environment. This combination can be a lot to contend with, especially on top of the physical and mental effect of living with cancer.

We know that a little financial help can go a long way. So, our Wellbeing Fund provides financial assistance to help ease these stresses and make day-today life a little easier. We are able to fund a range of different support including the cost of:


We fund community or private taxi transport so patients can access all appointments

  Mobility Equipment

We fund mobility aids and equipment to encourage independence and improve quality of life.

  Household Goods & Services

We directly purchase services or items to help with essential household repairs, renovations or adaptations .